I say this as we are now in what is hopefully the death throes of "utegate", while still fresh in our minds is the ridiculousness of "Iguanagate".
Watergate was an important moment in history (probably), not so much for the crime but for the way Nixon handled it, and really, shouldn't there be more to show for it than a new word appendage?
So where to from here? Well, going with the theme of utes, I'm sure we could see "rum&coke-gate" or "B&S-gate" on the horizon ... if only we could get million dollar Turnbull out to the infamous Deni Ute Muster ...
Of course, the ultimate would be a political incident involving an actual gate. Imagine the witty banter in national newsrooms as every outlet (bar the final bastion of sanity that is the ABC) has a eureka moment and declares it "gate-gate".
I'm sure they'd latch (yep, that's a gate pun) onto it.
But if that day never comes, I'm sure there will be myriad scandals, sex tapes and celebrity stoushes for the media to report on and no doubt ask Ruddinator PM for his opinion.
In the last few weeks Kev has been called on to offer comment on all things trivial, be it Tracy Grimshaw or the Chaser.
And can we really blame him? I mean, is he supposed to just stare blankly at the offending journalist who asks this nonsense. Perhaps a better course of action would be to hit them with a rolled up newspaper and scold "bad journo, we do that at Today Tonight".
There could even be a special minister for it. Minister for Stupidity has a nice ring to it, but it would probably suit Christopher Pyne better. The opposition would have to be in power for that and I can't see it happening anytime soon thanks to ol' utegate.
Considering how convoluted some of the current titles are, I think we can add a few more portfolios and make it Minister for Whacking for Stupid Journalists, for Agriculture, for Fart Jokes and for Veteran Affairs.
On the Grisly Grimshaw versus Rowdy Ramsay front, at least the chef is honest about being a bully, while she seems quote content to sit in her chair and smile smugly as one of her co-workers harasses people.
On the matter on her apparent lesbian pigness, I would need to find out her amount of nipples (the human number being two, the pig number being multiples of two) or her sexual orientation. Both research tasks are unfortunately horribly linked. Can't we just ask Kev what he thinks?
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